lorrainemikaelson’s blog

I love writing articles about love, dating, and relationships.

Effects of Bad Relationship

Whether you know of it or not, bad relationships can affect you in various ways. There are many researches made about this matter and I can really say that bad romance not only affect your mentality but also your physical. When choosing someone you want to spend your lifetime with, take note of all the small details about that person. He may have done something toxic that you didn’t notice it because you are so smitten by him or her. Keep in mind that people sometimes lie about their true personality so be vigilant. Before marrying someone or even dating them, make sure that you know every little thing about that person. If possible, ask many questions about their behavior or personality. Today, I have collated the most common effects of a bad romance to people.

Low self-esteem

            Sometimes, when one person is in a bad love affair, they blame themselves. This could result to having low self-esteem which is clearly not a good thing for a person to feel. I believe that there are two people involved romantically which means that it’s not only one person who’s at fault here but also the other person. Oftentimes, we think that women are the ones always suffering in a relationship but men could be abused, too. 

Doubting others

            When you have been in a bad circumstance before, it will be very difficult to trust people again. You will start doubting their intentions although they only wanted what’s best for you. I think that bad experiences leave a scar that will always remind you of the horrendous past you experienced. You will never be able to forget what happened and this can affect your future romance. I always say that when you feel uncomfortable with a person, you should immediately stay away and get out of that situation before it’s too late.


            The toxicity and the mental health implications will make you depressed. Depression is a real thing and if you continue to remain in that place, it will be bad for you. Do not ignore the red flags that you see early on the relationship. These will help you see what kind of person your partner truly is. Letting go of that toxic person will do you better than staying. I understand that you love that person but your love is not working anymore and you should take that into consideration.

Bad health

            Bad involvement with people can hurt more than just your feelings, it can also hurt your health. According to research, couples who argue a lot or suffering from stress can develop heart problems, high blood pressure or high rates of obesity. Not only this, but your immune system be weakened with the constant tension and stress you feel in your everyday life.


            In some occasion, you will feel insecure or feel bad about yourself since your love affair is not in a good condition. This affair will leave you drained and unhappy because your significant other may be placing some pressure on you to change yourself. This will be harmful for you physically and emotionally.