lorrainemikaelson’s blog

I love writing articles about love, dating, and relationships.

Is It Good To Be In A Relationship?

Many people now may have found their one true pair and are happily living their lives to the fullest with the person they love. Some may be searching for it and some are hopelessly waiting for someone to just come up and profess their undying love to them. Whatever it is, a relationship is something exciting and gives you a lot of experience in life. However, I sometimes think that maybe we don’t need to be in a relationship or maybe it’s just a waste of time but now that I am in a relationship, all those thoughts vanished and replaced with positivity. I’m going to share some things why it is good to be in a relationship. Also, if you are in a relationship with someone who is far from you, you can check this article. https://www.veteranstoday.com/2020/07/13/long-distance-relationship-advice/

You have someone when you need something.

            Your pair will always be there to support you when you are doing something or when you need some help. They are ready to give you their time and effort whenever and wherever it is. It’s actually good to have someone who you can confide in when you have a problem or when you are going through something. They can be your biggest fan and for me, that is really motivating. When I do my work, my husband is there to bring me some coffee and hug me when I feel stressed of all the deadlines piling up. I just feel relaxed when I’m with him.

You have someone who can understand you.

            Not all people understand us and we don’t open up to a lot of people. Our pair can be that one person who understands us and we can trust them with all of our thoughts. They are the ones who listen without judging us ad give advice whenever we need it. My husband sometimes becomes my counselor. He gives me advices about my rude workmates or my strict manager because I tend to keep all my emotions inside me so I sometimes snap when I had enough and I don’t know how to handle it. He understands me and helps me get through it.

You have someone to cuddle with.

            During rainy days or winter season, we need warmth and that’s where our pairs come in. We can cuddle with them in front of the fireplace or maybe drink some hot chocolate while talking about childhood stories. It’s actually how I spend my rainy days or winter season. I do this with my husband and I feel energized inside. It’s like there’s a flame inside me burning and giving me the warmth that I need. I don’t know if it’s only me but that’s what I feel when I do this with my husband. If you have felt this, you are lucky. Treasure that moment and don’t let it slip away.

You have a shoulder to cry on.

            For the days when you feel like the world is against you, having a shoulder to cry on can totally ease the burden you are feeling. Having someone who just sits there and lets you cry to your heart’s content can be very relieving. My partner has become my foundation and whenever I feel sad, he’s there to alleviate my sadness and make me happy again.