lorrainemikaelson’s blog

I love writing articles about love, dating, and relationships.

Reasons Why You Feel Lonely In Your Relationship

Love is such a complicated feeling but many of us still wanted to feel it. We enjoy the excitement that love brings to us and the happiness it gives us when we are with our partners but sometimes, even the happiest and healthiest relationship can have problems. One partner might feel lonely in the relationship even though they are with a loving person. I always believe that there are some things that love cannot heal and I agree with the saying that sometimes love isn’t enough. Feeling lonely in the relationship is not really a common thing and there could be underlying problems within you or your relationship. I have a friend who had an amazing relationship but she feels lonely in it and here are her reasons.

You and your pair don’t have an emotional connection.

            If you and your pair don’t have an emotional connection, chances are you will feel lonely all throughout your romance. This is because you won’t understand each other and when someone doesn’t understand you, it will feel like you are all alone with no one to help you or care for you. Without emotional connection, it will be very difficult to establish love between each other. You and your pair might be forced to be in a relationship by any circumstance and it is not your fault if you don’t have a spark or a connection.

You don’t enjoy the same things as your pair.

            Not enjoying the same things with your pair might make you feel lonely. For example, you have different hobbies so you and your pair would go off into your own different paths to go do your hobbies. Doing your hobbies is a great recreational activity but it will not be as enjoyable as when you are doing it together with your partner. You will feel like you are alone because it is only you who enjoys your hobbies. I mean this is totally fine but if your partner doesn’t support you in your hobbies, this is the time when you will feel lonely.

You compare your relationship with others.

            Social media has been used all over the world and there are many things you can see in social media. For example, you boyfriend bought you a flower for Valentine’s Day but when you checked your social media, you see that some of your friends received jewelry and went to a fancy restaurant, this will make you lonely. Just by comparing your relationship with others, you are making yourself insecure and you will feel out of place because of all the things you see in social media.

You don’t talk about personal things in your relationship.

            When you don’t talk about personal things with your partner, it will seem like you never really know each other that much and this will make you feel lonely. You will feel like you are in a relationship with a stranger because you don’t know them very well. Make it a habit to talk about personal things in your relationship to connect at a much deeper level.