lorrainemikaelson’s blog

I love writing articles about love, dating, and relationships.

Red Flags In Online Dating

Dating comes with many things, it comes with benefits like being happy with someone or getting to know a new person but it also comes with disadvantages, there are red flags that you need to worry about and there are also people’s motives. To help you easily find the one, here are some red flags you need to look out for when online dating someone.

Using someone else’s picture

            When you first tried online dating, you need to verify the identity of that person first before you do anything. For example, you can search their name on social media since almost all people have one but a red flag would be if you searched their name on social media and when you compared it to their online dating profile, the picture they used is not their face. This is obvious that they are cat fishing you for an invalid reason. You should not trust these kinds of people.

Doesn’t show their face when video calling

            Video calling has become a necessity when online dating so if your date is not showing their face when you call them and gives you invalid reasons, then it is clear that they have not been totally honest with you. They might be hiding something from you and you don’t want to be with someone like this because this is a major red flag. Maybe they have lied about what they actually look like and is using another person’s picture to try to impress you or anything.

Inconsistencies in personal details

            In online dating, it is very important to establish trust and we do this by sharing details about ourselves and the people surrounding us. But if you noticed that what they are saying sometimes has inconsistencies and you feel that what they are sharing to you is not the whole truth, then that there is a red flag. It is possible that there are some inconsistencies because they are lying to you and what they told you are just stories that they made up.

Refuses to meet in person

            Online dating is actually only the first phase in a relationship, the next thing after that would be meeting each other in person but if your date refuses to meet you then that is a red flag. I mean if you tried to invite them many times but they still refused no matter how much you beg, that is really a red flag. Why else would they refuse to meet you in person if they aren’t being honest with you? There is something fishy about that person and I suggest that you distance yourself from them.

Asks you for money

            If your date is asking you for money even though you haven’t met in person or you haven’t known each other for long, then that is a red flag. That person is clearly trying to scam you into giving them money, there are actually a lot of online dating scams out there so be careful when trying to visit online dating sites. There are a lot of shady sites so it is better that you first do your research to find a legitimate websites where people can be trusted. If you want to have a good experience in online dating, I suggest you to take note of these red flags and read this article to create a unique dating profile. https://www.clickandflirt.com/dating-advice/make-your-dating-profile-unique-expert-tips.html