lorrainemikaelson’s blog

I love writing articles about love, dating, and relationships.

Why We Should Move On

Moving on may be difficult and painful but it will be good to your life. You may find it hard to live again because of what you have been through but trust me, once you finally moved on, you will be reborn again. I understand what you have been through and I can empathize on your experience. I have been in love before and was really hurt when the person I loved betrayed my trust and I also moved in from that person. At first it was really painful. I didn’t want to do anything, I just want to cry and I kept thinking what I have done wrong to deserve such treatment. If it weren’t for my friends, I wouldn’t have moved on easily. They also woke me to the fact that the break up was not my fault and it may open up new opportunities for me. Because of that, I will be sharing you some tips my friends told me why I should move on.

We deserve to have fun and relax.

            When we just broke up with our exes, we have no time to have fun because we always feel sad. My friends would always go to my house to invite me to hang out with them just to cheer me up from my heartache. It was actually a good distraction and I was really thankful for them for taking care of me when I needed them the most. I was so lucky that they were there to remind me to have fun and relax and for once think about myself rather than thinking about other people.

People in the past aren’t worth our time.

            Since we live in the present, we should stop thinking about the people in our past because that will not change anything. They will remain as they are but we will change as the present changes, too. My friends used to tell me that I should live in the present because I kept looking back in the past that it seems like I was living in the past. I never go to hang out with them because I was sulking about my past relationship, I never really truly enjoyed the present because of my past.

The past will never be changed.

            No matter how much I dwell on the past and how much I keep on thinking about why my ex left me, it will never change the fact that it already happened and I can never change it. The past will remain untouched and we can only look back at it but we can never change it which is why my friends told me to snap out of my sadness. They told me to stop thinking about my ex because he clearly has moved on with another girl so I should also do the same.

We should focus our energy to the future.

            As I mentioned earlier, it seems like I was living in the past so I was missing out a lot of things in the present and because of this, I never really thought about my future. My friend told me that I should definitely move on because the past doesn’t really matter, what matters is what our future has for us. If you want to find a new love, you can always try online dating sites. If you are not familiar with online dating, this article will tell you more about it. https://www.definitions.net/article/online_dating_vocabulary