lorrainemikaelson’s blog

I love writing articles about love, dating, and relationships.

Why Do People Stay In An Abusive Relationship?

In any relationship, you can lessen some negative feelings like pain, heartbreak, and frustration by choosing the right person to be with. This will save you a lot of misery and heartbreak. However, it might be difficult to find the right person for you. It takes a long time and more effort to truly have someone you can spend the rest of your life with. Whether you know of it or not, bad relationships can affect you in various ways. There are many researches made about this matter and I can really say that bad romance not only affect your mentality but also your physical. When choosing someone you want to spend your lifetime with, take note of all the small details about that person. He may have done something toxic that you didn’t notice it because you are so smitten by him or her. Keep in mind that people sometimes lie about their true personality so be vigilant. But still, many people stay in a toxic or abusive relationships and here are some of the reasons why.

They think they can change their pair.

            There are some people who stay in an abusive romance because they think that they have the power to change their pair. They think that if they show them more love and more understanding, their pair will come to their senses and would become a good pair. However, change maybe a permanent thing but it is so hard for a person to change who they are. If your pair is already a person with anger management issues and would always become violent when they get angry, it would be difficult for you to change them.

They love them so much.

            Love really is a powerful thing. It can even make a person do illogical things like loving a person who has been violent towards them. There really is no other explanation for why a person would want to stay in this kind of situation other than love. They love their toxic pair so much that they are willing to turn a blind eye to the things that are not good. They would always justify their pair’s violence towards them and some would even have the delusion that it is the way of their pair to show love.

They are the only ones who will accept them.

            Some people have a huge heart that they would not leave their abusive pair because they know that no one else but them will understand. If they leave their pairs alone, no one would ever accept them because of their personality and behavior so some people have taken it to themselves to help and be with their pairs no matter how much pain they receive from them. They would even think that they owe it to them because no one could ever understand their pairs as much as they can.

If you are in a toxic or abusive romance, you should always think of yourself first, think about what would be good for you and not about what is good for your pair. I just read this article about how to spice things up in your bedroom. You can read more here. https://thepornmap.com/stop-having-boring-sex-adult-toys-for-adult-couples/