lorrainemikaelson’s blog

I love writing articles about love, dating, and relationships.

Cheating On Your Independent Partner


Women have become very powerful these days maybe because of how open our society has become and because of how people’s views about women have changed. Many women are now in the highest seat of authority and some of them do better jobs than their male counterparts and this speaks a lot. Women used to be seen as nothing but just helpers of men but now, women are dominating the things that men used to dominate on which is why so many women have become independent because they now know that they don’t need a man to hold them. They can handle everything for themselves which is why in romance, it is really great to be with an independent woman because they would be a great pair and they would bring you success. However, if you do something bad to them, expect the worse because they have been through a lot. Here are some of the reasons why you should not cheat on them.

They would never beg for you to come back.

               When you cheat on an independent woman, you should know that they would never beg for you to come back. They would never cry over you and would never make an effort to bring back your romance because they would ever do this. They would never be so low as to beg for you since they know their worth and they know they can find someone better than you. You need to move on and maybe what you need right now is someon who will distract you which sugar mamas are great for. This website will help you find the right sugar mama for you and you might even end up in a longterm romance with them.

They know what they deserve.

               Independent women know what they deserve which is why if you cheated on them, they would never want you back. They would find someone else and would find someone better than you because they know that someone like them deserve someone better than you.. They would never forgive you for what you have done to them.

They will leave you without any questions.

               When you cheat on them, they will leave you without any questions. Once they find out that you are cheating on them, they would immediately pack their bags and leave you alone since they know that whatever your reasons are, it would never change the fact that you had done what you had done and the damage has been dealt already.

They would never ask for any explanations from you.

               Independent women are quick to catch on which is why if you cheated on them, they would never ask for any explanations from you because no matter what you say, you already did what you did and even though you may have a good reason for your actions, they would never go back to you because you have broken their trust.

They would move on easily.

               Independent women aren’t the type to mourn over someone who cheated on them which is why they would move on easily and they would never look back to what is already behind them. You might want to get back with them but no matter how hard you try, they would never look back your way again.