lorrainemikaelson’s blog

I love writing articles about love, dating, and relationships.

Why Virtual Romances Don’t Last Long

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Virtual romances are increasing nowadays. Many people do this because of the pandemic and maybe because this is convenient. Traditional romances would require you to meet with each other in order to talk about some problems in your romances, or maybe sending a letter to each other when you are far away from each other. However, today’s modern romance don’t even require you to meet up with each other, you can always just have a video call and instead of letters which take time to be delivered to you, we have social media chats where it only takes a few seconds to be received by you. However, no matter how convenient it is to have a virtual romance, I just don’t think it will last long and here are my reasons.

Efforts are sometimes not visible.

               When you are in a virtual romance, everything you do is one click away. Like when you want to talk to your partner, you just click one button and you would end up video calling them, or when you want to give them a gift, there are many online gift shops that are one click away. Because of the convenience that is brought upon the technology, sometimes we cannot see if our partners have exerted much effort in what they have done to us. Efforts are actually important in a romance because this is what determines how much your partner loves you.

You won’t be able to truly understand your partner.

               Understanding comes from the gestures and the nonverbal cues your partner makes when you met each other personally but since you are in a virtual romance, this might hinder you from truly understanding your partner. We all know what happens when a romance lacks understanding, this breeds doubt and would later result into a break up. This is one of the reasons why I don’t think that these virtual romances are made to last long. I think they are there temporarily. There are times where we need to have a secret relationship with someone because we cannot get what our partner can give which is why discreet dating is a thing. Here are some things you need to know about discreet dating and how they can be fun.

Cheating becomes so easy.

               Cheating is actually very easy when you are in a virtual romance. Since you are not together, you have no way of knowing what they are doing behind your back or what apps they are opening. We know that technology has brought us a lot of interesting things including online dating sites and people’s feelings now have drastically changed. Because of this, cheating became very easy by simply deleting conversations from your phone or deleting our browser history so that we won’t be caught.

You lack the intimate connection.

               When you are in a virtual romance, you will lose the intimate connection that is provided by meeting personally. You won’t be able to truly connect with your partner because you haven’t even seen each other or seen how your partner is behaving when you are together. When you meet with someone personally, you will be able to know what type of person they are based on how they act towards you or how they behave when you are in public.