lorrainemikaelson’s blog

I love writing articles about love, dating, and relationships.

Why Listening Is A Necessity In Relationships

Communication 101: Listen and Understand, Part 2

Listening is quite important when you are romantically involved with someone. Being in a relationship would mean that you need to get along with your partner and because of that, you need to know how to listen. Many of us would think that this is ridiculous since listening is actually easy and many of us can do it but actually, it is not. It is not listening that we do in a daily basis, it is hearing and it is very different than listening. You see, hearing is when you hear someone talking about something but you don’t really pay close attention to what they are saying and you don’t understand anything at all, in other words, no information that they have spoken is retained in your brain but when you listen to someone, you pay close attention to every detail that they say and you remember all those details later on. This just shows that you understand what they are saying and with this, I will be giving you some of the reasons why listening is important.


Listening shows that you care.

               When you listen to your partner, it will show that you care for them. The reason for this is because it takes an effort to listen to someone and when you do, it just shows how much you value every word that they are saying. They would actually appreciate the fact that you took your time to listen to them because it really matters in a relationship to just pause whatever it is that you are doing just to listen to your pair. Sometimes, this kind of behavior would make your relationship successful. Check this page for more.


Listening lessens unnecessary arguments.

               Listening actually decreases the arguments that you may have in your relationship. Arguments would actually start when one of you would do something then the other would suspect and you would be exchanging hateful words which cannot be taken back ever. But if you just know how to listen to your partner, no matter what they did as long as you listen to their explanation and their side of the story, it will be resolved in time which saves you from wasting your time in unnecessary fighting.


Listening allows you to connect with your partner.

               Listening is very important as this allows you to connect with your partner. When you listen, your partner would be willing to open up their feelings to you and they would even confide in you when they have a problem because they know that you know how to listen to their problems and you wouldn’t mind it at all. It actually feels good to have someone who listens to you without judging you because we live in a generation where the small things that we do would be easily judged by the public.


Listening makes the relationship last long.

               The most important thing when you know how to listen is it makes your relationship strong. You are not easily broken by any gossip or any argument because you would ask each other’s side first before doing anything. Listening would also prevent one of you from having rash decisions that would later on affect the relationship.