lorrainemikaelson’s blog

I love writing articles about love, dating, and relationships.

Why Marriage Is Important

Marriage is something that we should not take lightly. It is sacred and it entails a lot of responsibilities. When you get married, you won’t be able to do many things and you have to accept it because you are doing it for your family. Also, marriage nowadays has becoming lesser and lesser as couples would just cohabit instead of marrying each other. Some people even say that marriage is useless because of the laws permitting a couple to divorce. Marriages cost a lot which is why many people are discouraged of doing it and also, they say that being married to someone doesn’t guarantee you a life of happiness because their spouses might cheat. This is actually true with the advancement of technology where cheating is effortless. But today, I will be sharing you why marriage is still necessary.

To be one with your spouse

            Marriage gives you the oneness that you are seeking. Yes, love can make you one with your partner but marriage makes it all the more official that you are now as one. Marriage is a sacred ceremony and having to do it gives you a different feeling rather than just cohabiting. When you get married, you will feel like everything is right and that the world is in line with what you decide. Marriage makes things fall into place.

To prove that you love each other

            I know that when you love someone, you don’t have to prove yourself but in a world where doubt will always be on our minds, marriage makes our partners feel that we truly love them and that we are ready to marry them. As I mentioned, marriage entails a lot of responsibilities and marrying someone will definitely make them think that you love them enough to carry on those responsibilities. You need a lot of efforts and time when you marry someone which is why this is very important. Especially now that we have this pandemic, it is really good to show our spouses how much we love them. You can read about it here in this article. https://easyinfoblog.com/relationship/working-at-home-and-being-in-relationships-at-the-same-time/

To stay pure

            Being pure is subjective so it depends on what people perceive as pure but for me, purity is when you abide to the old values which means that before having sex with someone, you need to marry them first. Sex is a very sacred act which is why a sacred ceremony like marriage would make it all okay. However, people nowadays do premarital sex and they think of sex as something that is normal when in fact, it isn’t. It’s not supposed to be done by many people. It is supposed to be with just one person.

To create a family

            Creating a family is still possible even though you are not married to someone however, your family will be much better if the parents are married. Because of this, there is no excuse why they aren’t committed with their spouses and to their families. Marriage also acts like a foundation to keep your family stronger. In a world where everything is easily broken, you need something stronger to bind your family like marriage. It would make things easier for you and your family if the parents were married.