lorrainemikaelson’s blog

I love writing articles about love, dating, and relationships.

Why Being In A Toxic Relationship Might Be Your Fault

Whether you know of it or not, bad relationships can affect you in various ways. There are many researches made about this matter and I can really say that bad romance not only affect your mentality but also your physical. When choosing someone you want to spend your lifetime with, take note of all the small details about that person. He may have done something toxic that you didn’t notice it because you are so smitten by him or her. Toxicity can be found in everything. In fact, one in every ten relationships might be toxic and you might think that only one person is at fault but you could also be at fault. Here are some of the reasons why it might be your fault.

You decided not to walk away.

            Walking away might sound difficult for you but you should not worry about this. I actually have walked away from a toxic relationship before and I was devastated when I did it but after I moved on, it felt like I was reborn. Maybe the reason why you are still in this toxic relationship is because you decided not to walk away. If this is the case, it might even be your fault because you decided to stay even if you know how much they are hurting you.

You didn’t love yourself enough to know what you deserve.

            When you love yourself, it will be easier for you to know what you deserve. You know what you want and what you don’t like and you are certain of what qualities you are looking for in a person. But if you didn’t love yourself enough, you won’t be able to know what kind of person deserves you. Self-love is the greatest form of love. This is what we can only do because nobody will and this is also what most people lack because they have given all their love and attention to someone else.

You chose to be with a bad boy.

            Bad boys are those types of boys who are wild and who like to do risky things just so they would be called cool. These types of men are the ones who aren’t exactly the loyal type of men, they are more likely to hook up with many women and are not bound to anyone. If this is your type of man, then maybe it is your fault why your relationship has become toxic because you chose to be with someone who is not exactly good in a relationship.

You tried to fix a toxic relationship.

            We all know that toxic relationship is very bad and it can cause a lot of pain to the person but if you try to fix a toxic relationship even though you know it is impossible to fix it. If you do this, you will just end up hurting in the end and your expectations will never be met. You might be in this kind of relationship because you decided that it can still be fixed that is why you are in pain. If you want to find another love, one that is healthy, you might want to try searching for the one on social media. However, in this article, they will tell you how social media will affect your relationships. https://signalscv.com/2021/01/social-media-influence-on-relationships/