lorrainemikaelson’s blog

I love writing articles about love, dating, and relationships.

Things I Do With My Husband During Rainy Days

Rainy days can bring about a lot of feelings which is why this kind of weather is perfect for activities as a couple. Rainy days are often seen as a type of weather perfect for all those sad songs and emotional feelings but it can also be a good weather for something different. Being in a quarantine nowadays can be very boring and with this rainy days coming ahead, maybe it’s time to plan ahead your days with your partner. I will be sharing with you some things that I do with my husband during the rainy weather.

Watch a movie
            Me and my spouse usually have our movie night on Fridays where we don’t need to work the day after so we can watch movies until the late hour. Right now, our movie night has been moved to every day. Since we have a lot of free time and we wanted to watch movies we missed while we were so busy working. We go to Netflix, Amazon Prime and even Hulu to watch the latest shows and movies. Every day for us is interesting and relaxing just sitting in front of the television while munching some popcorn or chips and sometimes some soda.

Play online games
            My spouse is a huge fan of Call of Duty and he influenced me to play so we often play this game almost every day and we have never been so happy. You see, this game helped us to be good at making strategies and also enhanced our teamwork even though it’s only a game. With both our strategy and cooperation, we get to kill many enemies and even landed on the top place. You may think this is childish because we are both adults and we shouldn’t be playing games but what else can we do? We never get to play such games before and now is the best time for us to try something we have never done.

Do house chores together
            Staying at home all the time means that we need to clean the house every day. My spouse and I are not so messy but we have a little bit of mess sometimes so we clean it every day. Usually, I am the one doing house chores because I have a lot of knowledge about it and I don’t like working with someone when it comes to the chores but right now, my partner became interested in what I do every morning so I taught him some basic things and now we divide our chores. He does the cooking and I get to do the cleaning. Fair enough, his dishes are the best. I didn’t know he was such a good cook.

Discover a new recipe
            Since my husband started cooking, his curiosity started to expand. He would cook dishes using weird combinations of food and surprisingly it turned out fine. I got interested so sometimes when I have time, I would bake a cake using simple ingredients since we really cannot go out to buy some grocery often so I just used ingredients that are commonly used. It was amazing how each dish would taste delicious even though it was my first time doing it. Dating comes in all forms and shapes which is why there are so many couples who are free to be with anyone they want. Here is how interracial works for gays.