lorrainemikaelson’s blog

I love writing articles about love, dating, and relationships.

Proper Way To Break Up With Your Partner

How to Break Up With Someone Nicely - What to Say During a Breakup

I felt like I needed to make some rules when breaking off the relationship because some people just don’t know the right way to do it. I’m not saying I’m an expert at this field but I did read a lot of break up stories and some of my friends shared their experiences so I’m here to bring light on this subject. Some people just end the romance by sending them a text message or just leaving all of a sudden without any explanation. I think that this is not the way to leave the relationship you have been spending a long time with. It’s just rude and selfish. I don’t know how people can do this. Anyway, I’ll start my list now.

Do it personally.

               When I say personally it means face to face like you go to their house, knock on the door and ask him or her to come outside and have a talk with you. Pour out all the things that you wanted to say to your partner and your intention of breaking up with them just so things will not end on a sour note. This will help both of you to get closure at the same time, you will have a chance to become friends again because your break up was not that messy. Maybe having a lesbian relationship will be the right thing for you. Here are some lesbian movie titles which might interest you.

Never condemn the other person.

               When breaking up, never point fingers to the person who will be blamed why the romance ended. Think about the feelings of your ex because you are the one who is ending the romance and the other person is inflicted with pain so never badmouth them. Even if you think that they are not feeling any remorse, just don’t bring harm to them. Think of it as your freedom, you will be free after it but when you do bad things to your ex, it will always linger on your mind. You will never lose the memory of it.

Accept that the romance ended.

               Some people are in denial when someone broke up with them. However, if you do break off your relationship with someone, accept that you also did some stuff that could have contributed why the love affair failed. It’s not always the other person’s fault, you share the blame and if you won’t accept that fact, you will never learn anything from that experience. Also, when you decide to stop the romance, accept the consequence that comes with it.

Never date anyone quickly.

               This is to respect your previous affair and to prevent any suspicions that you broke up with your ex just because met another person. You may want to avoid such assumptions as this will add to the pain of your ex and it will be on your conscience. I say give it at least three to four months then go back to dating again. In that way, you are really sure that you moved on as so is your ex.

Break ups are the worst moment when you are romantically involved with someone, everything will come falling down and you will be left alone. Your days will be spent without someone on your side and it’s difficult. So don’t intentionally break up with someone just to hurt them. Make sure there’s a reason to it.