lorrainemikaelson’s blog

I love writing articles about love, dating, and relationships.

What Love Is In A Couple’s Perspective

What Is Love?

Loving someone gives us joy and it makes our hearts flatter. It gives us the thrill that we always want and because of that, many people wanted to be in a relationship. Online dating is becoming more and more popular among all people and because of this, many people has found their true love easily. Technology has come a long way and it has helped us in various ways we thought are not possible. With the creation of online dating apps and websites, it is very easy to meet people from different parts of the world and just within a minute, you might be able to connect with a stranger online. I even found love using a dating app and I can really say that it was very convenient and it lets me meet many people more than I could ever find in real life. Since I found my partner, this is what I think love is.

Love is vulnerability

               Since I found my pair, my views on love changed. Before, I used to think that love was all about being secured in your pair’s arms but now, love means being vulnerable to them. It means that you get to share all about yourself and just being open to your pair. Me and my partner do this a lot and I can really say that being vulnerable is not easy and sometimes, I still have doubts about it but with my pair’s love, I have nothing to worry about. this article might interest you since online dating is so much popular now and it may or may not affect interracial dating. 

Love is healthy communication

               Love is not always about going on dates and having fun because that’s what I used to think when I was still single. But now that I am romantically involved with someone, I think that love is all about healthy communication. It is about talking to your pair about the things that bother you and just being honest about your feelings to them to avoid unnecessary arguments. Me and my pair make it a habit to talk every day after we finished our jobs and just ask each other about how our day went because checking up on your pair is always important.

Love is accepting their flaws

               I used to think that love is the most perfect feeling one can feel and that they are lucky to be feeling it for another person. But I was wrong. It turns out that love is about loving someone who has flaws but you accept them anyway because that’s how it works. Now that I am older and wiser, I think that my view on love was something that is sacred and holy but in reality, it wasn’t. It isn’t perfect but it is accepting.

Love is equality

               I respect my pair as much as he respects me and I think this is the most important thing in a romance. We think of each other as if we are equal and that we treat each other equally. This has never become an issue to us because we know that equality is the best for us in this world full of unfairness and inequality.