lorrainemikaelson’s blog

I love writing articles about love, dating, and relationships.

An Independent Woman In Love

When I was a teenager I am very confused why most of my suitors leave me hanging. I remember that I constantly blame myself of our unsuccessful fling, love, or casual relationship. Yet, when I grow older, I now realized that most men leave a woman if he thinks that she’s too independent or strong for them. They think that they cannot equate the happiness that woman gives to herself and so, they decided to leave and ghosted that woman. I now concluded that you shouldn’t blame yourself that you are that way. I believe that you should be confident and happy because a man deemed he’s weak when he’s around you. You know women empowerment.       

Probably there is a mortal association between the both of you that ties your adoration much more grounded. He is the one that is sent by God for you since we as a whole accept that God readies a bound man for every single one of us.

If you are in this kind of situation right now, it is significant to know this concrete guide. I am definitely sure that this guide would help you. Check this one!

  1. You should push forward and start dating again. Look for more deserving man.

                For you to discover your perfect partner, you should likewise be a people person. Go out and begin making new companions. Introduce yourself but not too much. You should likewise give time for the other individual to talk and offer about themselves. It is in every case great to realize somebody better before making them one of your likely accomplices. Be friendly and mingle!

  1. This is not the perfect time to compare yourself to other women.

                Obviously, you cannot find your destined mate in clubs and bars. What are you passionate about? What contribution did you come to make in the world? Instead of waiting, get out and do what brings you joy because your man has the same passion and purpose. Research shows that people who compare themselves to others would alwasy feel insecure and not confident in their own skin.

  1. You are confused and you don’t know what the best solution is.

                Have you notice that you have a ton of awful days as of now? You can't be upbeat? Attempt to locate your internal harmony. Except if you're settled, you'll pass up the signals around you and walk aimlessly by who is intended for you. Begin being glad and carry on with life!

  1. You fantasize your ex over and over again.

                You must start by cutting all your ties with all of your past relationships. By doing so, you can be fully committed on finding your soul mate. We must take bold steps with confidence and face our greatest fears in order to receive the greatest rewards. There is no chance that you'll be able to keep your exes in your contact list and still meet who you are meant to be with. Forget that they’ve ever happen and fully move on.

  1. You don’t stick with your strengths.

                As what I have mentioned in one of my articles in order for you to find a potential partner you should be simply you because it is where a man would appreciate you. Moreover, a destined soul mate would more appreciate a person who is true inside and outside. The more we are true to ourselves, the more we attract someone. Always remember that!